Massapequa Pool Leaks

We Detect over 1000 Leaks every Season
  • Vinyl Liner
    Leaks STOPPED
  • Pipe
    Leaks Found
  • Gunite Pool Leak
    Problems Resolved
  • Pool Prep -
    Help US Please
  • What makes US
    a better Leak Co.

Massapequa Liner Leaks Stopped

We inspect your Liner, around returns, main drain, lights, skimmers, gaskets and access their condition. In almost all cases we will repair those areas that Leak, to extend the pool liners life. In rare cases, we will suggest a liner replacement & can refer you to a liner replacement co. for an estimate.

Some companies use electronics to locate Leaks, while that might sound impressive, it is far from a magic bullet. We can discuss this in detail over the phone, however there are good reasons not to rely on electronics including:, false readings, when it comes to patching it is not very efficient patching a liner with a pole and finally when it comes to patching say 10-20 holes we don't believe it is feasible and economically viable to patch that pool. As Divers we can do a better and quicker job. BTW probably up to 20% of our pools have more than 5 holes, probably 10% have more than 10 holes. Every season we run across numerous pools that have 100 holes or more. Even say 10+ holes we will attempt to slow your leak down and in many cases STOP the Leaks completely but we can't assure you of this.

Hidden Plumbing Leaks Found

Once we determine which pipe is Leaking (via pressure test), we then move forward with further testing to actually to precisely locate the Leak.

We can almost ALWAYS find the pipe Leak under pavers or whatever material is around the surface of the pool. We use advanced electronic devices (like microphones or sophisticated stethoscopes) Once we mark the area, it's up to your masonry contractor and/or your pool company to pull up the pavers to get to the pipe and repair.

Sometimes (although not that common) you as the Pool Owner might opt for just a replacement of the pipes - (that is not even wanting to pinpoint the Leak). Only occasionally would we suggest a re-pipe.

Massapequa Gunite Pool Leak Problems

The Skimmer is usually the area most prone to Leak. Over the years the skimmer starts to pull away from the pool and gaps form that will eventually Leak. Other Leaks can occur at any other area of a concrete/gunite pool that has penetrations, like at the returns, mains or lights. Over time the coating (marble dust) wears off, which can contribute to Leakage also.

We can do any necessary underwater Leak Detection needed and of course test the pool pipes also.

Pool Leak Tests for Massapequa Pool Owners

We hate spending a customer's money almost as much as ours. Therefore, to reduce our time testing and consequently the amount we $ bill, we ask you do some tests and take some measurements. Most times the tests will tell us what type of Leak Detection we should do to start the detecting process.

Did the pool lose water in the winter with the pipes plugged? Was there a greater loss with the pool pump running? or maybe more with the pump off?

More on typically means the Leak in the return lines, while more off usually in the suction lines.

If the pool pump (ON or OFF) has No effect on the pool's water loss - generally it's not a pipe related Leak, but in the pool - and you would want a diver to check the interior of the pool, and perform any underwater repairs that are needed.

Why should a Massapequa Pool owner choose Pool Pro

WE TRY HARDER - We don't give up easily - BECAUSE WE DON'T TAKE YOUR $ IF WE CAN'T FIND THE LEAK! YES, that is our crazy policy. Our Guarantee is we found it, or we are free. QUITE AN INCENTIVE TO DO A GOOD JOB! Most importantly we charge 1 rate not based on the time we spent looking for your Leak but based on what we have to test. That is that 1 rate is quoted ahead of time. We have no incentive to drag out the time we spend looking for your Leak because there are no hourly charges.

We will give honest feedback on whether we think a new liner, or a pipe replacement is needed. We have no incentive to suggest replacements, BECAUSE WE DONT DO THAT.

Sometimes we will even talk ourselves out of a job, if performing a Leak Detection is not in your best interest.